Early Years
Our early years vision
“Making sure children are happy and feel confident in every achievement they make. Ensuring that curiosity and a love of learning is ignited early on through experiences that encompass creativity and the natural world through our outdoor provision, within the beautiful Yorkshire Dales.”
In the early years, our aim is to help young children to achieve the Every Child Matters outcomes through our ‘discover, explore and create’ curriculum vision.
Children will discover their potential by experimentation and self-initiated play. They will take risks, developing confidence and resilience that will continue through life.
Children will explore their indoor and outdoor learning environments, developing a curiosity and love of learning through topics that interest them.
Children will create positive relationships within our federation and foster healthy lifestyles through daily physical activity and the benefits of outdoor learning.
Mrs Middleton is the Early Years Leader. She works closely with all reception teachers in The Upper Wharfedale Primary Federation and also with our The Upper Wharfedale Pre-school based at Grassington Primary.